10 Superfoods Every Toddler Should Be Eating

A toddler diet is always a concern for every parent, especially for new moms. Whether my baby is getting a sufficient amount of nutrients or not? What are healthy toddler meals? Which food can increase my baby’s weight? These are some questions that every mother worries about.

In this article, we bring 10 superfoods for toddlers that can complete their daily nutrient requirements. 

10 Superfoods For Every Toddler 

Here is the list of 10 superfoods for toddlers and how they help to complete your toddler’s nutritional requirements:

  1. Eggs 

Eggs are considered one of the best foods for toddlers. They have rich amounts of protein and vitamins. They are also a natural source of vitamin D.

Here are some other health benefits of eating eggs for kids aged 1-3:

  • Eggs help your child’s body absorb more calcium which helps in strengthening bones. 
  • Eating eggs for breakfast keeps your toddler full and satisfied for longer, which means no mid-morning hunger pangs.
  • The choline present in eggs is a crucial element for the brain development of growing toddlers.
  1. Fish

Fish is an all-time favorite meal of every preschooler and an essential food item in the toddler meal plan. Full of protein, fish also helps in muscle and bone development.

According to the studies, eating fish once a week is linked with higher IQ levels in toddlers. Fish also contains a rich amount of Omega 3- fats which are good in many ways. Omega 3-Fat is a vital element that also boosts brain development and heart health, and has anti-inflammatory properties. 

Oily fish such as salmon, tuna, and sardines contains fat-soluble vitamins. These essential fats are associated with better eyesight, and brain development and are healthy for the heart too. White fish such as haddock and cod contains more protein than others.

Healthy notes: Some fish such as tuna, salmon, and cod are associated with the risk of allergic reactions. Therefore it is recommended to talk with your healthcare provider and confirm if your toddler is allergic to any kind of fish or not.

  1. Oats

Oats can be another addition to your toddler’s healthy meal planning. It is a versatile food item to incorporate with anything to make a healthy treat for your growing child.

Oats are a good source of fiber and are low in sodium, cholesterol, and saturated fats. It also provides proteins, magnesium, and phosphorous to your baby.

  1. Banana 

Which toddler says no to bananas?

An all-time favorite fruit of children, bananas are also some of the superfoods for toddlers with high nutritional value. The natural sugar in this fruit is a healthy source to satisfy your child’s sweet craving.

The carbohydrate content of bananas boosts the energy level of your child. Banana also contains fiber that supports a healthy digestive system.

Healthy note: Always serve bananas riped and completely mashed to your infants, however, toddlers can eat full bananas.

  1. Milk And Dairy Products

Milk and dairy products also fall under the category of healthy toddler meals. It is well-known that calcium in milk is associated with stronger bones, muscles, and teeth. Milk also helps in the healthy physical and mental growth of toddlers. The protein from milk builds up their brain tissue, thus supporting healthy brain development. 

Similarly, low-fat Greek yogurt can also complete your toddler’s nutrition requirements. It contains good bacteria and calcium that fight common infections. You can also find many yogurt varieties that include lots of sugar and fruit puree. But it is recommended to prefer a low-fat yogurt. You can add honey or fresh fruit to it to make it sweet and flavourful.

Healthy note: The expert recommends giving your toddler fat milk only. Low-fat and skim milk should be avoided until your child is 2 years old.

  1. Nuts

Nuts are the powerhouse of healthy fats. They include all the fats that support the growth and development of toddlers. They are also good for their heart health. You can pick almonds, cashew, walnuts, and pistachios and give them to your toddler for breakfast to boost their energy. You can also serve nuts as an evening snack to your child.

In case, your toddler is a picky eater and does not like nuts much, you can try nut butter and spread them on toast. You also top crushed nuts on oats or their favorite smoothies.

  1. Lentils 

All type of lentils holds wonderful benefits for toddlers. According to the experts, the toddler diet plan should include a sufficient amount of lentils because of their high nutritional value.

Lentils contain enough proteins that help to improve metabolism and digestion. Lentils and beans are also packed with fiber which promotes gut and heart health.

  1. Berries 

Here we are talking about all types of berries. Strawberries, blueberries, and mulberries all include vitamin C, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. The healthy vitamins and minerals in berries protect the body’s cells from damage.

Berries also help to boost the immunity system. Your toddler can happily enjoy these nutritious and fruity berries as a snack or as a dessert after meals.

  1. Cheese 

Cheese is a complete package containing a good amount of protein, vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorus. All of these healthy substances are good for bone strength.

Cheese provides a healthy dose of riboflavin (vitamin B2) which helps the toddler body to convert protein, carbohydrates, and fats into energy. You can serve cheese to your toddler by cutting it into small pieces or adding it to other meals. 

  1. Broccoli 

Our list of 10 superfoods for toddlers ends with broccoli. Broccoli contains essential nutrients that are good for better eyesight and also prevent cells from damage.

The rich amount of fiber in broccoli helps to boost digestion and also prevent constipation. It also contains vitamins A and C, beta-carotene, folic acid, iron, and potassium which bring many other benefits for toddlers.

Although many children don’t like it, you can trick them to eat it. Tell them that we are going to eat tiny trees from the elf country and see how gladly they munch it in seconds. You can also mix it with other sweet veggies to trick your picky toddler


Toddlers are in the developing phase of their life where they need a sufficient amount of nutrients and minerals to complete the needs of their growing bodies. A healthy and well-balanced diet is essential for their proper growth and development. The above list of 10 superfoods for toddlers includes all the foods that every toddler should eat for a healthy beginning of life.