Bedtime Things To Make Your Child Feel Safe

5 Bedtime Things To Make Your Child Feel Safe

Creating a safe and secure bedtime experience for your child can be one of the most difficult things you’ll have to do as a parent. Kids are sensitive and sometimes overwhelmed by the myriad of expectations that come along with being a small person. Fear and worry can interfere with your child’s sleep, leading to a lack of rest, fatigue, and, in some cases, behavioral problems. Fortunately, there are several steps parents can take to help their kids feel safe and secure at bedtime. Here are five things to do at bedtime to make your child feel safe.

Develop a Customized Sleep Routine

Establishing a good sleep routine is one of the parents’ most important steps because they want to ensure their child feels safe and secure at bedtime. It’s essential to tailor the routine to your child’s individual needs. For instance, if they have a hard time winding down, include a relaxing activity such as reading a story or listening to soothing music before bed. If your child’s issue is fear of the dark, invest in a nightlight or reassuring toy. A consistent routine sends a clear message that it’s time for bed and helps your child learn to relax and feel comfortable in their own space.

Create a Comfort-Focused Bedroom

Take some time to make your child’s bedroom as comfortable of an environment as possible. Stock it with comforting items like books, cozy stuffed animals, and calming decor. If your child loves music, invest in sound machines or a Bluetooth speaker with soothing sounds. You can even have them personalize their room by letting them pick out the sheets and blankets that they’ll use at night. The more comfortable your child feels in their bedroom, the more relaxed they’ll be at bedtime.

Engage their Imagination

If your child has difficulty getting to sleep, try engaging their imagination at bedtime. Make up stories or paint pictures with them that involve magic and safe creatures. You can also have them close their eyes and imagine being in a peaceful place like a meadow or forest. Using imaginative stories can help your child work through any worries they may have and make them feel safer at bedtime.

Talk it Out

If your child is still having trouble sleeping, it’s essential to take the time to talk with them about their worries and fears. Children can be overwhelmed by their emotions. You need to be there for them and foster an open dialogue about their feelings. Sometimes, simply hearing your voice and understanding can make your child feel safe and relaxed.

Introduce Bedtime Rituals

Creating rituals around bedtime can be an extremely effective way to help your child relax and feel safe. This could be anything from a bedtime snack or special snuggles to doing a silly dance or funny joke. Anything your child enjoys can be incorporated into your ritual. Having consistent rituals sends a clear message to your child because this is a safe and special time and can make them feel secure at bedtime.


Creating a safe and secure bedtime experience for your child takes time and effort. But it’s an extremely important step in helping them develop good sleeping habits and feel comfortable in their own skin. With creativity and consistency, you can help your child feel safe and secure at bedtime. Try some of these tips and see how it works for your kid.