Why Your Baby or Toddler Wakes up Screaming at Night

Why Your Baby or Toddler Wakes up Screaming at Night?

When your baby or toddler wakes up screaming at night, it can be a very scary and confusing experience for both parents and child. It’s natural to worry and wonder why it’s happening. But understanding why it is happening is the first step to helping your little one get a good night’s sleep.

Common Causes of Night Waking in Babies and Toddlers

There are several common causes of night waking in babies and toddlers. These may include:


Babies and toddlers are growing rapidly and need extra nutrition to support their growth. Screaming at night waking due to hunger can be particularly common in the first few months of life and can continue as your baby enters toddlerhood.


Teething pain can wake your baby or toddler at night. If your baby or toddler is experiencing teething pain, use a numbing gel or provide a teething toy or cold cloth to help alleviate the discomfort.


If your baby or toddler is sick, they may wake up due to pain, fever, or discomfort. In these cases, you must contact your doctor or healthcare provider for advice.

Separation Anxiety

When your baby or toddler is overtired, they may experience separation anxiety. Separation anxiety often peaks between 18 months and 30 months, but it can also occur at other times.

Sleep Regression

As your baby or toddler transitions to a new stage of development, their sleep patterns can change and become less predictable. This is known as sleep regression, and it can last for several weeks.

Night Terrors

Night terrors can occur in up to 15% of children aged 4-7 and often cause intense screaming. It is important to note that a child in the midst of a night terror is typically unaware of their surroundings and may not even wake up when comforted.

Tips for Managing Night Waking in Babies and Toddlers

After you have established the cause of your baby or toddler’s night waking, here are some tips to help manage the problem:

Set a Bedtime Routine

Establishing a bedtime routine with your baby or toddler can help them prepare their bodies and minds for sleep. This should include bath time, teeth brushing, a relaxing story, and a soothing lullaby or white noise.

Adjust Mealtimes

Make sure your baby or toddler is eating enough during the day and not getting too hungry or thirsty at night. If they wake up due to hunger or thirst, offer them a small snack or bottle of water.

Create a Safe and Comfortable Sleep Environment

The sleep environment is incredibly important for a good night’s sleep. Make sure the room is dark, cool, and peaceful. Use a white noise machine or fan to block out any noise from outside.

Establish a Consistent Wake Time

Try to establish a consistent wake time for your baby or toddler to help them adjust to a regular sleep schedule.

Be Patient

Babies and toddlers need lots of love and patience. Don’t forget to take time for yourself and practice relaxation techniques to help you stay calm during this time.

When to Seek Medical Attention

If your baby or toddler’s night waking persists beyond a few nights, it may be time to seek medical attention. It’s important to discuss any ongoing sleep issues with your pediatrician to rule out any underlying medical or psychological causes.


Night waking in babies and toddlers is a common and normal occurrence. Typically, it’s a temporary phase, not a cause for long-term concern. However, understanding the causes and triggers of night waking and implementing the tips listed above can help your baby or toddler get the rest they need.